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Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 | link

Hey! After all that editing, I finally wrote something for PokerSavvy: a novice's take on Bravo's Celebrity Poker Showdown. It's partnered with an avid player's review of the same, written by friend and PokerSavvy creator Jay Greenspan. I say, read the living ice cream out of both of them!

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OK and which one of you signed me up to the "Eye Patch" Yahoo! Group? Wow, is it crazy! Here look at this sample exchange:

The prosthetic I was offerred was a silicon eye which included eyelids and some surrounding skin. It's the type that has to be glued in place. It's definately not for me. I wanted something that could be inserted in the eye socket and basically left alone. Unfortunately, my surgery was fairly extensive and included most of the muscles as well as some of the upper and lower eyelids. The lids were sewn together leaving me with a permantly closed socket.

> Tony,

> in referral to an "external prosthesis" do you mean a half shell which is
> like a glass eye?
> in that case what is wrong with wearing it?? it certainly will draw less
> attention to you ie. stares, continuous questions ...

> i have been wearing an eye patch for 1 1/2months now after having major
> reconstructive surgery on my left eye - i have microopthalmia and was
> getting an implant put in to increase the movement from 10 degrees to 45
> degrees movement, i have worn a prosthesis all my life and certainly prefer
> that b/c you dont get stares so frequently...

> maybe you have other reasons.

When I got the first message, I thought it was some oblique, slightly piqued reference to the Puffy Peeper entry. But then I noticed it was addressed to Tony, and got to thinking that maybe it was just the very weirdest spam I've ever received. And THEN I got the third, fourth, fifth messages, and realized, no, this is a nutty group scene. Somehow, some way, I've fallen down a teensytiny rabbit hole, or turned over a pebble, and discovered a whole new hyper-specific universe. So ... that's what's going on with me.

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

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