evany's extended cake mix
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Tuesday, Nov. 01, 2005 | link

It's alive! And it's here!

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It was Heidi Meredith's birthday this weekend and we celebrated by taking a taxi -- helmed by an insane Mississippian of Korean descent with leaking pillow-shaped eyes that had a tendency to wander in the direction of any pretty girl on a street corner, an ample gun collection, and a love of talking about his close rocket engineer friend with a Medal of Honor and a six-figure income and green pants-- to the Bubble Lounge, where we put many bubbles in our mouth along with birthday cookies from Citizen Cake. The night ended, as it very often does, at Sparky's Diner, where we tamped down the champagne with some greasy brown things, and then I walked home in the rain, which is an entirely nice thing to do every once in awhile.

Saturday Marco and I went to Muir Beach, where I gleefully manhandled sea anemones, starfish, hermit crabs, and one banana slug. And then on our way to Bolinas for lunch we saw a couple dozen dozing seals sunning themselves on a stretch of sand in the middle of the lagoon. The sand on our side of the shore fingered way out into the water, so we managed to get well within barking distance of the seals. We also got up close and personal with the awesomely hyper boy in a skeleton costume, whose private game of randomly throwing very large rocks in multiple directions infused our lazy day with an unexpected undercurrent of danger, making the whole scene feel like something out of an exotic video game: "after clearing the 'Pretzel' level, Marco and Evany face the tricky 'Skeleton Boy Lagoon (with Seals)'."

And then on Sunday Marco and I went to my dad's big annual barbershop chorus show. This year's theme was "There Is Nothing Like a Dame," and there were many props, including grass skirts, sailor suits, bare chests harnessed in coconut shells, ladies of the night, and a fourth-wall-breaking snacks vendor. It was a very good year for barbershop. And a very, very good weekend.

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Unrelatedly: I am strangely drawn to this magnetic necklace. Strangely drawn.

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

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