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Thursday, May. 29, 2003 | link Wow so Jill's prom-themed prom party was way, way better than my actual prom, like by a factor of at least eleven. Though really my senior prom wasn't that hard to beat as it involved, a) me wearing a puffy taffeta dress with mutton-chop sleeves that was so insanely 80s, it had to use one of those walkers with tennis balls on its feet (wait no, "so insanely 80s, George Michael was all, 'wake me up when it's gone, gone!'"), b) me french-braiding my hair into a baby's breath-stuffed braid that went over my head from ear to ear like some kind of horse-girl headband, and c) me not drinking anything, not even kahlua milkshakes. I swear, I think I was in bed by midnight. But I didn't get home from Jill's until four in the morning! And I danced so much, I bruised the tips of my toes! I named the punch Jill made "One-Two Punch," and then drank the shit out of it! And there are pictures! Lots and lots of pictures.
And here's a sampling of the Prom-y prom pics (Jill set the whole thing up, built the background, got a tripod for the camera, no lie.):
And I leave you with these stirring images of me and my pal from school, Mark, thrown together in this lametastic animation, the sad, low-rez result of excitedly downloaded free animation software that I just didn't have the patience to figure out how to use. Much like life! And love. And titty pancakes.