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drinking and typing do not mix!
Thursday, Nov. 21, 2002 | link

Holy shit, so last night I came home from another one of Adam's fabulous dinner parties and, as usual, I was wobbled by far too much red wine.

And what did I do? Did I put on my sushi pajamas and tuck myself into bed with two aspirin and a glass of water on the nightstand like a good, sensible girl? Nope! I got online! And, in a fit of dating proactiveness, I wrote myself up a new Nerve profile. Drunk! That just has to be on some long list of stupid things to do while under the influence (along with "giving self haircut" and "welding").

When I woke up this morning, it was like I'd thrown myself a little surprise party. Because when I read what I wrote the night before, boy was I surprised! The hi!light was what I put for the "X is sexy, Y is sexier" question: I started out with "laughing is sexy," which is fine. True even! But then I followed that up with, "laughing until you bleed in your pants is sexier."

Now this HILARIOUS BON MOT wasn't completely out of the blue -- Liz, Jill, and I had been saying it back and forth to each other on TV Night, and it had us laaaughing and laughing, haha! Actually, it's kind of weird in that context, too. But in the online personal ad context, it's really, really weird.

The only thing weirder would have been if somebody had actually answered the ad. Which they didn't. So that's good news, right?

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

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