evany's extended cake mix
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pyt in nyc!
Friday, Apr. 23, 2004 | link

I'm in New York City! Stuck in traffic! Typing on my sidekick! In an authentic NYC cab! All groggy from five hours of Jet Blue television!

The flight was awesome. They gave out free Oreos! And the woman in the row in front of me spent the whole flight twitching and watching reruns of "Blind Date" and laughing, laughing -- oh, RICH -- and sorting through nude "model shots" of herself alternately writhing on the beach and peeping over the lip of gauzy fabrics. I also met the fuckedcompany guy! He noticed my embarrassing SXSW (oh man, I still have photos from that to post, shit, I can be so disappointing!) fabric tote as we loitered on the ganplank -- after OJ racing and sweating through the airport to catch my flight (I made myself 45 minutes late by dawdling insanely over things like spot-cleaning my floor and going through all the pockets of all my purses looking for my favorite itty bitty clip and hunting through all my drawers trying to find my whimsical lips-shaped coin purse so I could stylishly holster my aresenal of three lipsticks and tearing through boxes in search of my miniature briefcase to hold my new clipart business cards (1000 for 18.99 at staples.com, on man!)), I still had to languish in that tube for like ten whole mintues, waiting to even get on the plane.

I had a middle seat, which was kind of miserable, lots of holding my water and arm-numbing attempts at napping with nothing but my fist for my head to lean on.

Ooh! Traffic jam cleared! Food, drinks now! More later!

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

(PS: My diary has officially moved over to my official evany.com website. Let's meet up over there!)

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